Coronavirus Pandemic

Many of us will have experienced some form of loss in the past year due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
It may have been a loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job, your health or social interaction. You may have sensed a loss of control of your life and your life situations. You may be missing those special moments with family, friends and loved ones.

Speak to a Counsellor

If you feel you’re struggling, having difficulty then I would advise reaching out for support. When you speak to an objective outsider, a Counsellor, you can share freely and without any judgement how you are feeling and what you are thinking.

Quite often when we are caught up in our own mind we can feel trapped, helpless and hopeless… which is often far from the truth about out situation. We can feel stuck and that there is no way out; however there is a way out.

Counselling can help you to challenge your negative thoughts, and to find coping mechanisms, strategies and tools to help you move forward. Rediscovering that you do have control over your life and taking action to bring back structure to your life will bring back that sense of normality.

The festive period and the start of the new year is often a time for reflection, contemplation and resolution setting. Throughout 2020 you may be looking back on the losses you have experienced and you may be feeling a range of emotions, such as anger, guilt, shame and remorse.

Tips to Cope

Try some breathing techniques – they can be done anytime and anywhere.
Try some mindfulness exercises – get out of your mind and in to your senses.
Try some gentle exercising – a long walk can be as good as a short run.
Try some on-line learning – challenge yourself to learn something new.
Try keeping a journal – it will help you to have those ‘helicopter moments’ where you can see situations more clearly when you are not in the middle of them.

Counselling can give you support to see you as You see Yourself, and to identify if that is the real You.